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Other Hinários

Other HináriosHinários from the other spiritual leaders of Santo Daime

I have been receiving a lot of feedback about the structure of the Hinarios, specifically about the delineation of Official versus Other hinarios. This is a delicate topic and it is currently under review. Please understand that the current setup is temporary and in no way is meant to value any hinarios over any others. All hinarios of the Daime community are divine transmissions and are worthy of our admiration, respect, love, and gratitude. I welcome any comments and suggestions (via the form on theContact Page). Thank you so much for being here. Much love - Ben

Glauco Villas Boas

Glauco Villas Boas

Glauco was the leader of the Céu de Maria church in Sao Paulo, Brasil. He passed in March of 2010 while performing his duties as a leader and teacher of the Santo Daime doctrine. He is sorely missed by members of the Santo Daime all around the world.

O Chaveirinho

The Little Keychain

O Chaveirão

The Keychain

Chico Corrente

Chico Corrente

Chico Corrente made his passage on January 10, 2012. He was a beloved and humble Padrinho who impacted the lives of many many daimistas around the world. Viva Chico Corrente!

Hinário Chico Corrente


Padrinho Alex Polari de Alverga

Padrinho Alex Polari de Alverga

Padrinho Alex is the author of Forest of Visions. He is also the president of CEFLURIS and a tireless advocate of the Santo Daime doctrine. He and his wife, Sonia, travel the world every year to spread the doctrine's teachings and healing.

Nova Anunciação

New Anunciation

Alex Polari Selections

Selected hymns from Padrinho Alex

Padrinho Valdete

Padrinho Valdete

The eldest son of Padrinho Sebastiao

O Livrinho do Apocalipse


Madrinha Sônia Maria Palhares de Alverga

Madrinha Sônia Maria Palhares de Alverga

Wife of Alex Polari

Firmado na Luz

Firmed in the Light

Albertina Corrente


Balança de São Miguel


Ana de Souza

Ana de Souza moved to Alto Santo with Mestre. She was married to Mr. Elias Brito. She is the mother of Madrinha Riselda, the wife of Padrinho Luis Mendes.

A Alvorada

The Dawn




Guia Mestre

Master Guide

Mensageiros da Cura

Messengers of Healing - Baixinha and her Master guide Caboclo Tupinambá

Hinário da Fé

Hinario of the Faith

Estrela D'Água

Star of the Water. Baxinha's new hinario

Cristina Tati


Flores de São João


Cantos Da Lua


Dalvina Corrente

Dalvina Corrente


Gota de Orvalho

Drop of Dew

Francisco Corrente da Silva


Hinário Francisco Corrente da Silva


Francisco Grangeiro Filho

Francisco Grangeiro Filho

The master of the feitios during the time of Mestre Irineu, he also married the daughter of Antônio Gomes, Adália.

O Apuro

The Urgency

Isabel Barsé


Cantico do Beija-Flor

Chant of the Hummingbird

Isabela Coutinho


Hinário Isabela Coutinho


João Pedro

João Pedro

From The Juramidam Family: João Pedro was a friend of Mestre Irineu and an early member of the doctrine. His hinario is often used in healing works.

O Menino Jesus

The Child Jesus

José Rosa

José Rosa


A Rosa e A Estrela

The Rose and the Star

Lúcio Mortimer

Lúcio Mortimer



The Instruction

Madrinha Gecila


Madrinha Gecila Texeira de Souza


Madrinha Maria Alice

Madrinha Maria Alice


O Rosário

The Rosary



Madrinha Nonata

Madrinha Nonata

Madrinha Nonata is a daughter of Padrinho Sebastião and sister of Padrinho Alfredo. She is the Madrinha of Céu do Mar in Rio de Janeiro.

Hinário Presença Transparente do Beija-flor

The Transparent Presence of the Hummingbird

Madrinha Percília Matos

Madrinha Percília Matos


Hinário Madrinha Percília Matos

The early custodian of the doctrine's hinarios, Madrinha Percília also left a small but beautiful hinario of her own.

Madrinha Rizelda Brito do Nascimento

Madrinha Rizelda Brito do Nascimento

Madrinha Rizelda is the wife of Luiz Mendes. She began drinking Daime as a child with Mestre Irineu.

Hinário Rizelda Brito do Nascimento


Madrinha Tetê (Tereza Gregório)

Madrinha Tetê (Tereza Gregório)

One of Madrinha Rita's sisters

A Arca de Noé

Noah's Ark

Mestre-Conselheiro Luiz Mendes

Mestre-Conselheiro Luiz Mendes


Os Chamados - Trabalho de Cura

The Calls - A Work of Healing

Novo Horizonte

New Horizon



Nando Santos

Luiz Fernando dos Santos is a brother from the Céu do Mar church in Rio de Janeiro



Odemir Raulino da Silva


Daime Sorrindo

Daime Smiling

Quadro Azul

Blue Frame

Padrinho Manoel Corrente

Padrinho Manoel Corrente

Also known as "Vô" Corrente, Padrinho Corrente was an early companion of Padrinho Sebastão and an elder in the Santo Daime doctrine

Caboclo Guerreiro

The Caboclo Warrior hinario

Padrinho Nonato

Padrinho Nonato




Padrinho Paulo Roberto

Padrinho Paulo Roberto

Padrinho of the Céu do Mar Church in Rio de Janeiro.

Luz na Escuridão

Light in the Darkness

Nova Aliança

New Alliance

Caminho do Ceu


Raimundo Gomes da Silva


O Ramalho


Regina Pereira

Regina Pereira


O Segredo

The Secret

Roberto Corrente

Roberto Corrente

Sete Estrelas

Seven Stars Hinario

Roberval Raulino

Roberval Raulino


O Verbo Amar

The Word Love

Saturnino Brito do Nascimento

Saturnino Brito do Nascimento

Son of Senhor Luiz Mendes

O Pequenininho

The Little One

A Vida do Mestre em Poesia

The life of Mestre Irineu in Poetry

Senhor Tufi Rachid Amin

Senhor Tufi Rachid Amin

Tufi Rachid Amim was a very active member of the Daime communities in and around Rio Branco for many years. In his later years he lived and worked with Mestre Conselheiro.

Sou Feliz

I am happy

Solon Brito

Solon Brito is the son of Luiz Mendes and the brother of Saturnino Brito

Hinário Solon Brito





O Assessor

The Advisor

Vera Fróes


Hinario Vera Froés

The Hinário of Vera Fróes

Zé Mota

Zé Mota


Hinário Zé Mota